The organization’s focus has been on enhancing enrolment and quality in primary education while creating the opportunities for more and more young people to avail of higher education opportunities. KSS acts as a facilitator to strengthen collaborations between teachers, academics, institutions and communities such that marginalised children can access all the government schemes and benefits that they are entitled to. In addition to enabling access to education, the organization also works on developing life and leadership skills, career counselling, recognition of good/bad touch to identify sexual abuse etc.
KSS focuses on education in Hindi especially among those for whom it is not the native language. This is a means to ensure proper integration and mainstreaming at a later stage. The organization develops special curriculum for non-Hindi speaking children and also uses alternative teaching methodologies that go beyond text books to teach such children. Street children, child labourers, children living in slums and those who are forced to beg are especially focussed upon in our mainstreaming efforts.