About our Organization

MAHILA UNNATI SANSTHA is a registered society under society registration act of 1860. Mahila Unnati Sanstha is committed to service for the larger good without expectation of reward. The broad spectrum of our activities and the success achieved within the short span of our existence is a humble testimony to MAHILA UNNATI SANSTHA having lived up to its name and core values. We follow Govt Programmes related with women empowerment like “MISSION SHAKTI”, “BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO” , “ NARI SHKATI PURASKAR” and many more.

Our organization takes an all encompassing view of women empowerment that includes social, political, health and economic dimensions. Empowerment does not only mean the elimination of violence and discrimination in its most blatant forms, it also means ensuring that women have equal rights to access necessities such as nutritious food and healthy living. It also means that women are legally literate and can undertake advocacy and policy analysis such that they can better understand how their rights are being impacted and the measures they must take to protect them. The organization adopts a multi pronged strategy to deal with violations of women’s rights- forming linkages with the District Legal Services Authority for legal assistance, creating spaces for mediation for divorce, domestic abuse, marital problems, sexual violence, abuse at the workplace, land rights, trafficking, labour rights, adoption, discrimination etc. in addition to providing psychological support to women in distress. This is done in addition with an ongoing process of awareness creation through camps that focus on issues as RTE, RTI, Land Rights, etc.

While violence against women is a growing and pervasive problem, it especially affects marginalized women- such as tribals and minorities. The organization’s approach has always been that men are critical if gender sensitivity within the larger community has to be built. Such sensitivity starts from examining commonly used abusive words and understanding the nuances of gender insensitivity in them. The men in our project areas are increasingly sensitized and this is creating ripple effects beyond specific areas.

MAHILA UNNATI SANSTHA has organised Blood Donation Camp for needy women in collaboration with Amar Ujala, Safe Foundation and many more. MAHILA UNNATI SANSTHA has helped to the people during Covid 19 in several ways. Our Volunteers have arranged Oxygen Gas cylinder, Food items, Blanket to all the needy person. Sanstha has invested in the underprivileged and the marginalized ( Specially Women) to give them a chance at a life that allows them to explore their potential in a just and nurturing environment. girl child and women were the starting point of our work, and through development, relief and advocacy, we strove to create lasting changes in their lives. However limiting our programmes and investments to girl child and women would not have led to sustainable change till families and communities were equipped and empowered to provide girl child and women with the environment. Hence we use our resources in working on education, health, domestic violence, economic empowerment, anti-trafficking, skill training, leadership development and the like- with community-based organizations, governments, other NGOs, civil societies and individuals. While women and girl children remain our focus, we are committed to building communities with an ingrained sense of justice and infused with the strength to fight for their rights. With the adolescent and youth, we are committed to empowering them by nurturing their innate talents while helping them develop new ones which help them fulfill their potential and in turn bring prosperity to their communities and the world at large. We have taken initiatives to provide opportunities for capacity building to keep pace with emerging technical and professional demands. Much however remains to be done. Entrepreneurship, innovation and grassroots efforts are the keys to transform the state. As we work with communities living in difficult to access, far flung, least developed areas, and we act as watchdogs for human rights violations. domestic violence , Trafficking is an issue we are particularly vigilant about,.

Our work with these communities includes supporting in increasing cottage and domestic industrial activities, promoting efforts to reduce poverty and unemployment, initiation of activities for accident prevention and rescue, dealing with humanitarian emergencies under the overall umbrella of promoting and protecting the rights of our communities. Though we strive to make use of modern technology to enhance productivity, we are just as deeply committed to protecting handicrafts and traditional arts, science, culture, and other means of expression; protection of antique and archaeological collections; and other related activities.


Our MAHILA UNNATI SANSTHA mission is to develop a strong management structure with structured yet flexible processes and procedures to mobilize communities to support its projects and campaigns. Individuals and communities are our core strength- the proverbial ray of hope for the future. This website is a small effort to give a glimpse into our activities. Our services are for those who wish to avail of them, and for those who share our vision. We invite you to be part of our efforts both by words of encouragement and suggestion, and your time and resources.